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  • Provision of technical assistance for project preparation


Project № BG16M1OP001-5.001-0026

Provision of technical assistance for project preparation for the next programming period 2021 – 2027

Financed under Priority Axes 5 Technical Assistance of Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014  – 2020


Project Total Cost: 3 214 320,00 BGN

Grant: 2 671 900,00 BGN

European Regional Development Fund: 2 271 115,00 BGN

National Co-financing to the Grant: 400 785,00 BGN

Financing by BPI Co.: 542 420,00 BGN

Project Start: 06.08.2020 

Project End: 05.08.2023 


The project envisages measures to ensure the active involvement of BPI Co. in the programming and preparation of projects and activities in the next programming period, which will be implemented in a timely manner.


To date, the BPI Co. has identified several key project proposals for the next programming period. The contractor for activities 1 – 4 will prepare a study on the current needs of the BPI Co. and will supplement the list of project proposals based on the current status and specific parameters for the new programming period. The necessary studies, analyzes, etc. will be prepared under the project. Necessary documents for launching a set of projects in the new operational period 2021  2027 and starting project activities as early as possible.


Main objective: Assistance to the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company in its capacity as a beneficiary in the preparation of projects for the next programming period.


 Specific objectives:

  1. Preparation of a list of priority objects of investments and preparation of the necessary studies and analyzes for the most priority projects;
  2. Preparation of investment projects for the next programming period 2021 – 2027.


The project includes the following activities:


Activity 1: Preparation of feasibility studies for identified projects;


Activity 2: Preparation of cost benefit analyzes;


Activity 3: Preparation of EIA documents;


Activity 4Preparation of application documents for funding;


Activity 5: Preparation of tender documentation for selection of Contractor;


Activity 6: Project Management.