Operational Programme South East Europe 2007-2013 was approved on 20 December 2007 by a decision of the European commission. The program is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The overall strategic goal of the program is to improve “the territorial, economic and social integration and to contribute to cohesion, stability and competitiveness” through the development of transnational partnerships 

The priority axes of the program are five: innovation, environment, accessibility and sustainable urban development. OP SEE provides an opportunity for Western Balkans to join the European Union and to deepen the relations with neighboring EU countries.

In the European transport network the Southeast Europe plays a role of bridge between North, South, South, east and Western Europe. Existing transport networks can not maintain high standards to meet the increased demand and heightened modern technical requirements. Trans-European network and pan-European transport corridors crossing the eligible program area, but transport infrastructure needs to be upgraded. In this context the program will facilitate the innovations, entrepreneurship, and knowledge economy and information society through cooperation and concrete results. 

Priority axes 2: Protecting and improving the environment aims to help improve the state of the environment and improve the management to protect other natural areas, overcoming the limitations imposed by national barriers, anticipate future environmental threats and opportunities to develop common transnational action for protection nature and people. This can be achieved through integrated water management and flood prevention, prevention of environmental risks, management of natural resources and promotion of resources and energy efficiency.

Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company participated as a co-beneficiary in 2 projects under OP SEE 2007 – 2013: