Feasibility Study on Development of Port Community Information System of the Bulgarian Ports /PCS/


Financed under Priority Axes 5 Technical Assistance of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020


Total cost of the project: 334 166.40 BGN

Grant: 282 717.00 BGN

National co-financing to the Grant: 42 407,55 BGN.

European Regional Development Fund: 240 309,45 BGN

Funding of BPI Co.: 51 449 BGN

Start of the Project: 21.04.2017

End of the Project: 30.09.2018

Beneficiary: Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company



PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEM (PCS) is a standardized electronic platform that connects multiple information systems and enables intelligent and secure exchange of information between stakeholders. The platform aims at both improving the competitiveness of seaports and optimizing and managing port and logistics processes through a single data submission. PCS provides a variety of services such as easy, fast and efficient information exchange, electronic customs declaration processing, and all information on cargo import and export as well as cruise ship passenger data. 

With this project a common vision for development and deploying PCS has been developd, a model and basic functions of the system for electronic exchange of information in Bulgarian ports have been elaborated; amendemnts to the regulatory framework related to the construction of an information system for the port community have been prepared.
A feasibility study for the development and commissioning of an electronic information system in Bulgarian ports has been prepared (Рort Community System – PCS).

• A concept has been drawn up to establish and deploy Рort Community System – PCS;
• Functional and technical requirements to Рort Community System – PCS have been defined.

The project Feasibility Study for Development of Electronic Information Exchange System in the Bulgarian ports (Port Community System - PCS) is preparation for the development of a centralized and automated system for information and documentation exchange between maritime transport authorities and various port services users. This system will optimize the port operations and exchange of information in the harbour, while also ensuring a high level of quality and data integrity.

The Project is implemented through the following activities:

Main goal: elaboration of a feasibility study for development and commissioning of a system for electronic exchange of information in the Bulgarian ports (Port Community System – PCS).


Specific objectives:

  1. Elaboration of a concept for construction for development and commissioning of Port Community System – PCS
  2. Definition of functional and technical requirements to Port Community System – PCS


Expected results:

The project Feasibility study for development of a system for electronic exchange of information in Bulgarian ports Port Community System PCS is preparation for the construction of a centralized and automated system for exchange of information and documentation between the maritime transport authorities and different users of the. The system will facilitate port operation and port information while ensuring a high level of data and integrity.


The project includes the following activities:

ACTIVITY 1: Elaboration of a concept for the development and implementation of PCS for the Bulgarian sea ports.

Report Concept for Construction and Implementation of PCS for the Bulgarian Seaports was prepared, outlining the main infromation flows in the ports and identifying the processes related to them The Report also includes suggestions for improving the existing procedures.


ACTIVITY 2: Elaboration of design of software and hardware architecture of PCS.

Report  Software and Hardware Architecture Design of PCS for the Bulgarian Seaports was prepared, and an indicative budget for the system’s development was elaborated.


ACTIVITY 3: Drawing up documentation for contractor selection.

Documentation for selection of contractor is drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Public procurement Act, including technical specification for Hardware and Software and the Evaluation Methodology for selection of contractor.


ACTIVITY 4: Elaboration of projects for changes in the legal framework related to the development of PCS.

Contractor selection documentation has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, including the Technical Specifications for Hardware and Software and Evaluation Methodology for Contractor Selection.


ACTIVITY 5: Publicity, information and communication.

Two-part press conference was held in Burgas and Varna to ensure the presence of all stakeholders in the maritime business.


ACTIVITY 6: Management of the project.

A report has been prepared with a draft  for changes in the regulatory framework, enabling the development and putting into operation of PCS with appropriative motives, which will allow their discussion with public and the relevant institutions.


Project Manager: Zlatko Kuzmanov – Director Vessel Traffic Service Authority – Black sea, tel. 052 684 930, e-mail: z.kuzmanov@bgports.bg