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  • Technical assistance for preparation and implementation of PRF

Project Nr. BG16М1ОР001-4.001-0005 

Technical assistance for preparation and implementation of „Delivery, Installation and Implementation of the port reception facilities (PRF) in the Bulgarian public transport ports of national importance“ project


Financed under Priority Axes 4 Innovations in Management and Services – implementation of modernized infrastructure for traffic management, improvement of transport safety and security of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014 – 2020


Total cost of the Project: 1 560 000 BGN

Financial Grant: 1 320 000 BGN

European Regional Development Fund: 1 122 000 BGN

National co-financing to the Grant: 198 000 BGN

Funding by BPI Co.: 240 000 BGN

Start of the Project: 20.02.2018

End of the Project: 31.08.2023


The project is a consultancy service called „Strategic Adviser”, which aims to update and expand the scope of the available waste reception and handling plans (WRHP) in ports of national importance. It presents an assessment of the need to implement facilities for prevention and response to operational or accidental pollution in indoor waters and in the coastal area of the port area as well as for the reception of these wastes. The project includes an assessment of the need to implement and develop an integrated information system (IIS), integrating and presenting in an appropriate way the results, information flows and data from the deployed information systems related to the functions performance of BPI Co.

The territorial scope for the implementation of the project includes the five Bulgarian ports of national importance located on the Black Sea and in the Bulgarian stretch of the River Danube.


Main objective: To provide highly qualified and specific consultancy assistance for the preparation and implementation of an investment project through which the management of the environment in the field of water transport will be improved.


Specific objectives:

  1. Improve the efficiency of waste management in ports of national importance by updating the waste reception and handling plans and the introduction of requirements for complementary facilities for prevention and response to operational or accidental pollution and their alignment with the applicable regulations;
  2. Development and creation of conditions for prevention and reduction of pollution; predictability and safety of port activity and water transport through the development of an integrated information platform (IIP) for control and monitoring of waste management activities in the Bulgarian ports for public transport;
  3. Preparation of an investment project under OPTTI 2014 – 2020 to improve the technical possibilities for reception of ship-generated waste in public transport ports of national importance, including implementation of complimentary facilities for prevention and response to operational or accidental pollution.


Expected result:

The implementation of the project through the effective management of waste in ports of national importance will improve environmental management in the field of water transport.


The project includes the following activities:

Activity 1: Update of waste reception and handling plans in the ports of national importance.

Waste reception and handling plans in ports of national importance will be updated to extend the scope of the available WRHP.

Activity 2: Preparation of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Analysis regarding the application of state aids for the implementation of the project, depending on the chosen project implementation option.

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Analysis regarding the application of state aid for the implementation of the project will be prepared.

Activity 3: Assessment of the need for implementation and development of integrated information platform

Pre-investment studies and analysis of the need to implement IIP will be prepared.

Activity 4: Monitoring and control during the implementation of the investment project.

Monitoring and control will be carried out in the process of delivery and installation of equipment and the deployment IIP.

Activity 5: Project management.


Project Manager: Estislav Ploshtakov – Director of Strategic Development, Port Services and Ecology Directorate, tel: + 359 (2) 807 99 74, e-mail: e.ploshtakov@bgports.bg