Project № BG16M1OP001-4.001-0003

Territorial Expanding and Completing Functions of Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) – Phase 4


 Financed under Priority Axes 4 Innovations in Management and Services – implementation of modernized infrastructure for traffic management, improvement of transport safety and security of Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014 – 2020



Project total cost: 11 014 280.40 BGN

Grant: 6 602 152.15 BGN

European Regional Development Fund: 5 611 829.33 BGN

National Co-financing to the Grant: 990 322.82 BGN

Financing by BPI Co.: 4 412 128.25 BGN

Project start: 27.02.2017

Project end: 31.12.2021  


The vessel traffic management and information system /VTMIS/ belongs to the class of complex and territorially distributed information systems. It is designed to address a wide range of navigation and information tasks stemming from international, European and national legal regulations that are dynamic and subject to change depending on the quantitative and technological changes in the nature of maritime transport. Each such system is unique and does not represent a finished product marketed, but is built and upgraded according to the specifics of the region and the needs of the country concerned in order to realize certain functionalities for certain regions and to meet the current technical requirements and emerging challenges.

Good European practices in the field of traffic management and continuous technological development and improvement in the sector (radio localization, specialized video surveillance – day and night, IT, etc.) imply the need for technological improvement and expanding of the VTMIS traffic monitoring through the deployment of modernized infrastructure and innovative approaches to its construction and exploitation.

The implementation of the project by expansion and completing the VTMIS functions will improve the safety and security of shipping when visiting the Bulgarian seaports. Since the territorial coverage of the port of Burgas is part of the main Trans-European Transport Network and the territorial coverage of port of Varna is the extended Trans-European Transport Network, the implementation of the project indirectly will also positively influence the efficiency of the Trans-European Transport Network.

Main Objective: Improve the management, safety and security of shipping and environmental control in the maritime spaces of the Republic of Bulgaria through the implementation of modernized infrastructure for traffic monitoring and management.


Specific objectives:

  1. Geographical expansion of the VTMS in the extreme northern and southern regions of the maritime areas and critical shipping and port areas of the Republic of Bulgaria
  2. Increasing the capacity and quality of the transmission environment by upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure in line with the expansion of the geographical scope of the VTMIS, the increased volume of data and the scope of the services provided to shipping
  3. Improve the efficiency of maritime transport by using accurate and detailed information from the additional systems sensors
  4. Strengthening environmental controls to protect the marine environment from pollution as a result of shipping activity.


Expected result: Ensuring geographic expansion of the scope of the system by installing equipment at new points to cover areas where no navigation monitoring is currently in place to ensure maritime safety, and protection of human life at sea and protection of marine life and environment from pollution


The following activities are planned to be implemented in the project:

 Activity 1: Analysis of the existing situation in Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) and systematic and physical design;

Activity 2Implementation;

Activity 3: Tests for system’s real operation commissioning and finalization and reporting of performance;

Activity 4: Training of staff using the system;

Activity 5Construction supervision;

Activity 6: Measures for publicity, information and communication;

Activity 7: Project management.


Project Manager: Eng. Zlatko Kuzmanov, PhD, tel. + 359 52 684 930, e-mail: