Project BG161PO004-5.0.01-0087

            Technical Assistance for waste management in Bulgarian public transport ports of national importance


The Project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget through the Operational Programme on Transport, Priority Axis V “Technical Assistance”


Total project cost: 1 086 860 BGN               

Financing by the European Regional Development Fund: 772 565 BGN

National co-financing: 136 335 BGN

Deadline: 30.06.2015

 Beneficiary: Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company

The main objective of the project was to create the conditions to bring the Bulgarian ports to EU requirements in the field of environmental protection. 

Specific objectives

  • To identify needs of investments in reception and processing facilities for ship generated waste;
  • To standardize procedures and reduce administrative burden and costs for documentation, control and monitoring of activities of waste management in the Bulgarian public transport ports;
  • To create an electronic database of ship generated waste and cargo residues;
  • To improve the legal framework related to the management of ship generated waste.


One of the serious shortcomings in the management of seaports, maritime transport and inland waterways is a shortage of facilities for pollution prevention and control of the collection and treatment of ship generated waste and cargo residues. This in turn is an unacceptable risk to the environment. There is need of modernization of the technical equipment. It is missing operating certification of port facilities.

DIRECTIVE 2000/59/ЕC requires an appropriate volume of information to be made available to all users of the port.

Bulgarian ports are part of the national transport system integrated in the multimodal European transport network. The development and modernization of the port infrastructure, as an integrated and integral part of the European transport network is essential for the process of competitiveness of the European economy. In this connection, implementation of an effective organization and building of modern facilities for ship generated waste is one of the direct obligations of BPIC.

The implementation of the projects for the preparation of an investment project for the next programming period in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention MARPOL 73/78, Directive 2000/59/ЕC,the Law on Waste Management, the Recommendations of the Danube Commission for the Prevention of Pollution of waters of the Danube River and others.

Attained Results

  • Prepared 5 feasibility studies for the needs/ capacity of the reception facilities of 5 public transport ports of national importance in the Republic of Bulgaria;
  • Prepared prioritized list of necessary equipment;
  • Established electronic database for ship generated waste and cargo residues;
  • Prepared and update 5 waste management plans of ports located on the Black Sea: Burgas and Varna and on the Danube River: Ruse, Lom and Vidin;
  • Prepared 1 report with proposals for legislative changes relating to the management of ship generated waste.


Contractor of the project

  • Contract CEP 5/12.052014, contractor ECOA “Reception facilities" with subject “Consulting Services on waste management in the Bulgarian public transport ports of national importance"


 Project Manager: Kiril Georgiev – Expert Strategic Development, Port Services and Ecology Directorate, Tel. 02 807 99 36,