Project No. 2015-EU-TM-0036-W

RIS enabled COrridor Management EXecution” (RIS COMEX)



Total project cost: 26,501,194 EUR

Budget of Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company: 384 000 EUR

Beneficiary: Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company

Start date: 15.02.2016

End date: 31.12.2020


The project RIS COMEX, funded by the Connecting Europe Facility aims to introduce sustainable and functioning of river information services at level Corridor following the concepts and results received within the CoRISMa project. This RIS-based Corridor (in the form of information and services) allows traffic management by authorities and logistics sector using the existing national infrastructure and services. The project ct involved 15 partners from 13 different European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, Croatia, Luxembourg, Romania, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Austria and Serbia) under the coordination of the Austrian River Administration viadonau.

The management of RIS on Corridor level aims at improving and connecting the existing river information services on a route or a network, allowing the provision of such services not only locally but also regionally, nationally and internationally. The Corridor management will help route planning, voyage planning, and management of transport and traffic. Corridor Management is defined as information services among waterway authorities mutually and with waterway users and related logistic partners in order to optimize use of inland navigation corridors within the network of European waterways.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Developing a comprehensive plan for managing RIS Corridor, starting from the results of the project CoRISMa and lead to dialogue between suppliers and logistics of RIS users (e.g. freight forwarders, ship captains, port operators, etc.)
  • Implementation of selected parts of the overall concept for the corridor. Increasing service quality and accessibility of information on the fairway, traffic and information services associated with transport. The expected result is mostly a significant increase in efficiency in traffic on inland waterways, which directly contributes to the absorption of the overall benefits of RIS, i.e. enhance safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness of inland navigation.
  • Achieving sustainable legal regulations concerning the exchange of data between the countries within Corridor RIS. It is necessary to evaluate the current legal framework and requirements of different countries concerning the provision of shortcomings in the legislation, as well as to discuss and develop solutions acceptable to all parties.
  • Harmonization of data sharing through cooperation and developing specifications for RIS Corridor.
  • Harmonization of transport information services at European level and / or on Corridor level is carried out on the base of existing solutions and concepts (e.g. IVS90, ERI, R2D2 and etc.).
  • Envisaged RIS COMEX, as a platform bringing together public and private stakeholders in the context of RIS Corridor to facilitate the dialogue among suppliers of river information services and logistic users.

 Based on these objectives will be achieved the following results:

 ∙     Better planning of inland waterway transport;

∙     Reduction of waiting and travel times;

∙     Efficient execution of inland navigation;

∙     Reduction of administrative barriers.


Project Manager: Valentin Hristov, Director SD Vessel Traffic Service Authority – River Danube, Tel: 082/29 84 64; email: