Vessel Traffic Services Authority provides services on management of traffic and information service to navigation, by issuing advice and recommendations related to safety of navigation, supporting on-board decision-making in complex meteorological and navigational environment and organize the movement of vessels in order to prevent the emergence and development of the danger of an accident and collision.
As a national coordinator for European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe), Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company is performing an exchange with the Maritime Single Window (MSW) national systems, built inside the member states. In Bulgaria, this is the National Center for E-documentation in Maritime Transport.
By the National Center for E-documentation in Maritime Transport Vessel Traffic Services Authority provides information service to the ports by improving the organization of processing of documents on issuance permits of ‘Freelance” and “Clearance, Sailing Permission” to shorten the time for documents processing using the ones standardized by the recommendations of IMO (FAL Forms).
More information on the National Center for E-documentation in Maritime Transport can be found here.
The coast Radio Station Varna, in accordance with the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), provides continuous 24-hour monitoring of international channels and frequencies for disaster (zones А1and А2 of GMDSS) and distributes marine safety information (information related to hydro-meteorological conditions, navigational warnings and other information related to the conditions and safety of navigation). It provides communications at sea in maritime disasters and accidents.
The Directorate performs the complete activities on technical operation, maintenance of the facilities, apparatuses, systems and subsystems for Vessel Traffic Services and information services to maritime ports, including the main and auxiliary equipment of VTS, VTMIS, GMDSS and SSN.
Vessel Traffic Services Authority exchange information with systems, provided by law or international treaty to which Bulgaria is a party.
More information and application to use the services provided by Vessel Traffic Services Authority can be found here
Director of Vessel Traffic Services Authority is capt. Milen Todorov, PhD
Office 9000 Varna 5 Primorski Blvd Phone.: + 359 (0) 52 684 931 Fax: + 359 (0) 52 632 832 Е-mail:
Vessel Traffic Services Authority – Varna Duty VTS Operators Phone.: + 359 (0) 52 603 113 + 359 (0) 885907719 Fax: + 359 (0) 52 602 317 Е-mail:
Director – capt. Milen Todorov, PhD Phone: + 359 (0) 52 687 988GSM: + 359 (0) 888 055 052Е-mail:
Vessel Traffic Services Authority – Burgas Duty VTS Operators Phone.: + 359 (0) 56 844 311 + 359 (0) 888142935 Fax: + 359 (0) 56 844 310 Е-mail:
Department CS Varna Radio Radio room Phone.: + 359 (0) 52 687 973 + 359 (0) 885131567 Fax: + 359 (0) 52 687 984 Е-mail: |