Port Terminals Operation Directorate performs port services under art. 116, par. 2, p. 2 and 3 of the Maritime Spaces, Internal Waterways and Ports of the Republic of Bulgaria Act /MSIWPRBA/ in case of early termination of a contract with port operator to concluding new contract under the provisions of the law.

The Directorate performs the following functions:

  • responsible for the provision of port services in accordance with the existing regulations and established terminal technology and organization, and coordinate and organize the implementation of accompanying activities at the respective terminals;
  • prepare the necessary technology cards and organize their coordination and approval lawfully;
  • responsible for the collection of prices for port services;
  • prepares and organizes the conclusion of contract with shippers and other customers of the terminal;
  • monitor, coordinate, control and is responsible for implementation of the obligations under the contracts concluded at the respective port terminal with shippers and other customers at the terminal;
  • prepares the necessary documents and submit the applications for registration of circumstances in the ports register and the port operators register pursuant to the current regulations;
  • prepare the necessary documents and organize the submission of the applications for the issuance of certificates for operability;
  • prepare files for each vessel called the respective port terminal, and provide to Executive Agency Maritime Administration statistical data with scope and content and timing in accordance with Regulation No. 919 of 08.12.2000 on the collection of statistical information about the port operator and owners of ports and port facilities in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Information for service premises at the Port Terminal Ruse West, Port of Ruse

Information for service premises at the Port Terminal Petrol, Port of Varna

Director of Port Terminals Operation Directorate is Radoslav Dobrev.


Port Terminals Operation Directorate 

7000 Ruse                                            

Matey Stoikov Str. № 3

Phone: +359 (0) 82 521 075

Еmail: office_portruse@bgports.bg

Director – Kristiyan Bogoev

Phone: +359 (0) 82 521 075

Е-mail: k.bogoev@bgports.bg