Single Window on the Danube started from July 1, 2016
12 Май 2016
Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company /BPI Co./ commissioning by July 1, 2016 the system for electronic processing of documents on arrival and departure to/ from Bulgarian river ports. For the basis of the system serves software owned by BPI Co. used at sea, which is adapted to the requirements of river.
The system “Single Window” or “One Stop Shop” will enable standardized information and documents to be submitted electronically rather than on paper in a single entry point.
The system is in compliance with Directive 2010/65/ЕС of the European Parliament and the Council of 20.10.2010 on reporting formalities for ships arriving and departing from ports of the Member States, with Decree No. 242 of 4.08.2014, amending and supplementing the Ordinance to provide RIS on inland waterways of the Republic of Bulgaria, adopted by Decree No. 329 of the Council of Ministers of 2007 (SG, is. 3 of 2008), art. 9, paragraph 1 and the Ordinance to provide RIS on inland waterways of the Republic of Bulgaria art. 12, paragraphs 1 and 2.
On May 30, 2016 at 13,00h BPI Co. organizes free training to work with the system for the future users and on May 31, at 10,00h the same training will be conducted in front of the institutions. Both events will take place in RIS Centre Rousse at: 20A Pristanistna Str.
Until May 20, 2016 will be approved and published the General Terms and Conditions for using the system, which will be available on: www.bulris.bg и www.bgports.bg.
The test period of “Single window” on river starts from June 1, 2016 and will continue until the end of the month. During this period, the documents will be submitted in parallel also on paper and will work without a digital signature as paper documents shall be considered valid.
All interested parties who have questions and suggestions regarding the system can submit them to the following addresses: оffice.bulris@bgports.bg or sw@bulris.bg within May 20, 2016.