ECOPORTIL Project met with great interest in Burgas
29 Ноември 2018
ECOPORTIL project meeting held on the invitation of Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) in Burgas was met with a great interest. The project stakeholders gathered on November 29, 2018 in the seaside town a year later after the successful start. The Deputy Director-General of BPI Co. Alexander Alexandrov and ECOPORTIL Project Manager, together with his team, representatives of public organizations, regional and local authorities, the maritime sector and the business identified the ecological problems of ports and coastal areas and discussed the measures to be taken for their resolution.
During the meeting were presented the already prepared by the project environmental legislation analysis and discussed the methodology developed so far, as well as the potential points for monitoring and ecological mapping.
The project Environmental Protection of Areas Surrounding Ports using Innovative Learning Tools for Legislation – ECOPORTIL has been approved for funding under the Transnational Cooperation Programme “Balkans – Mediterranean”2014-2020. One of its aims is the achievement of a sustainable maritime sector, sustainable blue growth and improvement of the environmental monitoring through advanced ITC methods and tools.