Ports and Coastal Areas Environmental Problems Discussed by Experts in Burgas
23 Ноември 2018
The Vessel Traffic Management and Information (VTMS) Coastal Centre in Burgas will host the working meeting on the project ECOPORTIL. The meeting will be subjected to discussing ecological problems of the ports and coastal areas. Invited by the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.), the stakeholders – representatives of public organizations, regional and local authorities, and business and scientific-research communities will gather in the seaside town a year after the start of the project.
Within the framework of the event, on November 29, 2018, the already elaborated analysis of the environmental legislation will be presented. The experts will discuss the methodology and project documents developed so far, as well as the potential points for monitoring and environmental mapping.
The project Environmental Protection of Areas Surrounding Ports using Innovative Learning Tools for Legislation – ECOPORTIL has been approved for funding under the Transnational Cooperation Programme “Balkans - Mediterranean“ 2014-2020. One of its aims, through special training to advance stakeholders’ knowledge, is to improve the environmental quality of ports and surrounding coastal areas. Among the tasks of the project is the achievement of a sustainable maritime sector, sustainable blue growth and improvement of the environmental monitoring through advanced ITC methods and tools.